​​​​​​​After decades of meeting in schools, Grace finally found a home in the most perfect but unlikely of places: the middle of a shopping mall. Ballston Quarter, the mall, is located among the dining and night life that attracts many young professionals to this city across from Washington, DC.
How can Grace reach a population demographic that's among those least likely to go to church in the country?
All while continuing to foster relationships with their existing congregation of diverse attendees?
​​​​​​​Source: Pew Research Center  ​​​​​​​

Coming out of COVID, our marketing director recognized the public's overwhelming need for connection, particularly meaningful relationships. Grace has always had a heart for fostering these relationships. Additionally, Grace has encourages attendees to safely ask questions and explore faith. Grace's slogan is "A Church For People Who Don't Go To Church". 
We wanted something to tie all of this together. I began from here.
This multi-tiered solution involved both marketing and use of physical space. I researched common felt-needs, popular questions about faith, Ballston's demographic, and experiences of other churches' grand openings. I built designs for this that aligned with Grace's brand, and could be effective in both digital and physical spaces. I developed the initial verbage for the campaign. Together with my marketing director we honed in the final messaging and my final design, then presented these for approval from Grace leadership and Ballston Quarter.

View of Grace's signage from Wilson Blvd

A collection of graphics which were used on Grace's website, social media, and run as targeted ads.
Message Series launch coinciding with Grace Opening.
Message Series launch coinciding with Grace Opening.
Internal announcements displayed on-screen to current attendees.
Internal announcements displayed on-screen to current attendees.
Homepage banner 1
Homepage banner 1
Homepage banner 2
Homepage banner 2
Marketing pieces would link to this landing page. I created these graphics, and filmed & edited the WELCOME video of Pastor John Slye, Jr. 
Website can be viewed live at
Grace desired a new homepage video to coincide with the opening. To create this video I compiled footage shot by a freelance videographer, as well as my own. The 24 second video can be viewed on Grace's site:
It was important for Grace to connect with their surrounding community, so we opted to send a direct mailer to 34,000 households in Ballston. On a tight deadline, I received our hard proof from the printer and saw a wide deviation in color from our brand. I made some time and drove an hour out to the printer in Sterling, VA to get things right. Time was of the essence as these needed printed the next day.
I worked with the press operator for hours to get the colors right. He learned a few new things that day! I was right at home in the windowless press room, the air filled with fine paper particles, as I was reminded of my first design job after college doing this work!
We continue to produce printed items to promote the church or events. Below are a few.
4x4" invite card - Front
4x4" invite card - Front
4x4" invite card - Back
4x4" invite card - Back
We had very little information to work with, despite our best efforts to obtain it. I procured the wall sizes by carefully examining the architectural drawings. Then I went full-analog and just showed up with my trusty tape measure. My goal was for the church's slogan to greet people entering from the Ballston Exchange skybridge (as seen in the photo at the top of this page).
After obtaining quotes for the signs and researching ways to hang them, we worked with a sign printer we were familiar with. I was present when they arrived in order to check the quality of the prints – everything looked great. Success!

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